Category Archives: sticky

Building a knowledgeable forest dependent community

The BC modernization of forest policy initiative is fragile unless there is an effort to build forest resource knowledge within forest dependent communities. Currently the BC Ministry of Forests is not considering this a priority. A graphic description of the importance of this need is presented in Forestry knowledgeable community

Enhanced forest inventory-graphic presentations

Achieving government modernization goals requires identification and integration of key components with an enhanced forest inventory and LiDAR imagery.  Related components included in:

Community resiliency-enhanced forest inventory importance

Community resiliency

21st century BC forest asset vision powerpoint version

Building a value-added investment climate

BC forest renewal framework-landscape unit planning-action plan graphics

Forest Landscape Plans-What is needed for success

Forest Landscape Plans (FLP) are a critical component of the Vision Framework essential to long-term forest stewardship of the BC Forest Asset and subsequently community resiliency, but it must be developed smartly to capitalize on its usefulness.  Bill Bourgeois provides opinions regarding what is needed for success in FLP-Critical to 21st Century Forest Stewardship

Forests and climate change

Johathan Bruno describes the relationship between forests and climate change.  “It is not as simple as leaving our forests standing.  Although his view is related to Colorado forests, it applies to BC  forests as well, especially interior forests. Worth a read at