I was asked by the Forest History Association of BC to provide an article on the MacMillan Bloedel Land Use Planning Advisory Team. It has been published by them in their Newsletter (Issue No 116. December 2023, pages 14-24) LUPAT article-final I found several components of the MB Designed Forest System and LUPAT that apply to our challenges of today. It is important we learn from the past in moving into the 21 century forest stewardship.
Category Archives: landscape-unit-planning
Forest landscape plan balancing forest values
Determining how to achieve community resiliency through balancing values within a Forest Landscape Plan area requires a sound methodology that also provides guidance to FLP implementation decision-makers as well. A suggested methodology is presented in Community resiliency-balancing decision-making.
Enhanced forest inventory funding encouraged
BC Ministers with responsibilities related to the use of forest inventory are encouraged in a letter Message to ministers to support more financial resources directed toward an enhanced forest inventory.
Forest Landscape Plans-What is needed for success
Forest Landscape Plans (FLP) are a critical component of the Vision Framework essential to long-term forest stewardship of the BC Forest Asset and subsequently community resiliency, but it must be developed smartly to capitalize on its usefulness. Bill Bourgeois provides opinions regarding what is needed for success in FLP-Critical to 21st Century Forest Stewardship
Forests and climate change
Johathan Bruno describes the relationship between forests and climate change. “It is not as simple as leaving our forests standing. Although his view is related to Colorado forests, it applies to BC forests as well, especially interior forests. Worth a read at https://coloradosun.com/2022/08/16/forest-management-climate-change-opinion/
Whitebark pine – species at risk restoration
Natural resource companies and organizations are working hard to restore the whitebark pine Species At Risk as described in Whitebark pine restoration
How much biomass needed for ecosystems
Currently, BC forest managers are penalized if residual biomass after forest harvesting exceeds a given threshold. As noted in the proposed CFS study https://tinyurl.com/s6wy3y7 emergence of a bio-products industry has the potential to totally reverse this situation and force managers to leave enough to maintain ecosystem services. This would be a major change in BC forest management and public responses. The retention of biomass is not new. Foresters have learned from the European experiences that, if all the biomass is removed, soil productivity can decrease significantly. Also, BC studies in the 1990s identified the need for a given level of biomass. However, the results were not applied in policy. Even though this issue is not new, the CFS should be congratulated for initiating the study within the 2020 environment. Maintaining ecosystem productivity is critical to long-term forest stewardship and subsequently a significant contribution community resiliency.
Wildfire adaptation action plan-Government short sighted
The recently released Government’s Action Plan: Responding to wildfire and flood risks https://tinyurl.com/ycukqovc focuses on reducing impacts and mitigation of expected future wildfires and floods and recovery from the recent events. Although these are welcomed community assistance actions, it does not take action to strategically reduce the extent of the wildfires and floods across landscapes other than in areas immediately around communities. Bill Bourgeois comments on what is wrong with this scenario and what is needed in Wildfire adaptation-Government short sighted.
Wildfire adaptation-actions and leadership required
Bill Bourgeois outlines the background and action needed Integrated Forest Management Adaptation Plan.
BC IS BURNING AGAIN! It is time to act on treating BC forests so that they can adapt to the increased frequency and magnitude of wildfires caused by climate change. Numerous studies and recommendations have been provided over the last 15 years. There is general consensus among wildfire experts regarding what actions are required. Communities, First Nations and forest resource managers are calling for action. In cases where adaptation is needed regarding catastrophic events, Governments tend to not follow through on implementation. The BC Government needs to deviate from the norm and take a leadership role on this issue. It must go beyond more discussions and creation of pilots and advisory bodies. The wildfire adaptation issue can be a stimulus in moving toward community resiliency and economic development. We have the technology, we have the knowledge on how to move forward in this regard and we have the willingness of the forest affected Partners. Premier Horgan and Minister Donaldson, BC needs adequate resourcing and real, on-the-ground action! Show us the leadership.
Independent report on wildfires and floods falls short
The independent review of the 2017 wildfires and floods falls short when it comes to recommendations to adapt to the expected more frequent events. An assessment of the recommendations is provided in BC review of Govt responses to 2017 flood and wildfire events.