Sustainable Manufacturing

Sustainable Manufacturing

Creating sustainability of the manufacturing sector as a contributor to moving toward resilient communities using the principle of balancing environmental, economic, and social values is part of the overall objective of the Healthy Forests-Healthy Communities Initiative.

Achieving this goal is dependent upon long-term sustainable forest stewardship. Without this focus a sustainable wood manufacturing sector and the social/cultural, environmental, and economic opportunities from the BC Forest Asset will be lost.

A clear, comprehensive, and realistic strategy is required to move from the current primary and secondary manufacturing sectors to one that fully utilization the available fibre. The widely accepted means of moving toward such a condition involves creating a strategic vision and goals, developing a strategy to achieve these, and then generating and implementing an action plan. Unfortunately, Government’s strategic vision and goals for the sector are either absent or unclear. Their expectation appears to be that achieving the five (5) published related goals per se will create the new forest sector. This lack of clarity has generated a desire to move toward community resiliency, as presented in It builds on the strengths of the current forest sector and focuses on areas needing action to revitalize and move toward a 21st Century wood manufacturing sector and subsequently contributing to achievement of community resiliency.