BC Ministers with responsibilities related to the use of forest inventory are encouraged in a letter Message to ministers to support more financial resources directed toward an enhanced forest inventory.
Category Archives: Forest inventory
Enhanced forest inventory-graphic presentations
Achieving government modernization goals requires identification and integration of key components with an enhanced forest inventory and LiDAR imagery. Related components included in:
Community resiliency-enhanced forest inventory importance
21st century BC forest asset vision powerpoint version
Building a value-added investment climate
BC forest renewal framework-landscape unit planning-action plan graphics
Minister Conroy re Enhanced Inventory
An enhanced forest inventory will significantly improve the position of Government and the forest sector in moving toward achieving the forest stewardship and wood manufacturing goals identified by Government in Modernizing Forest Policy and moving toward community resiliency. Minister Conroy is encouraged to move in this direction in Letter-Minister Conroy re Enhanced Forest Inventory
Forest inventory-foundation for community resiliency
The importance of a forest inventory in moving toward community resiliency is discussed in Forest inventory-foundation for community resiliency It is in the best interests of BC forest dependent communities to insist upon having a robust and detailed forest inventory of Crown land to meet their resiliency needs. If communities are to move toward resiliency, they cannot afford to make decisions based on poor data and information.