Category Archives: Long-term stewardship

History and influence of the MacMillan Bloedel LUPAT

I was asked by the Forest History Association of BC to provide an article on the MacMillan Bloedel Land Use Planning Advisory Team. It has been published by them in their Newsletter (Issue No 116. December 2023, pages 14-24) LUPAT article-final  I found several components of the MB Designed Forest System and LUPAT that apply to our challenges of today. It is important we learn from the past in moving into the 21 century forest stewardship.

Forest Landscape Plans-What is needed for success

Forest Landscape Plans (FLP) are a critical component of the Vision Framework essential to long-term forest stewardship of the BC Forest Asset and subsequently community resiliency, but it must be developed smartly to capitalize on its usefulness.  Bill Bourgeois provides opinions regarding what is needed for success in FLP-Critical to 21st Century Forest Stewardship