Category Archives: Diversified manufacturing sector

History and influence of the MacMillan Bloedel LUPAT

I was asked by the Forest History Association of BC to provide an article on the MacMillan Bloedel Land Use Planning Advisory Team. It has been published by them in their Newsletter (Issue No 116. December 2023, pages 14-24) LUPAT article-final  I found several components of the MB Designed Forest System and LUPAT that apply to our challenges of today. It is important we learn from the past in moving into the 21 century forest stewardship.

Forest landscape plan balancing forest values

Determining how to achieve community resiliency through balancing values within a Forest Landscape Plan area requires a sound methodology that also provides guidance to FLP implementation decision-makers as well. A suggested methodology is presented in Community resiliency-balancing decision-making.

Enhanced forest inventory-graphic presentations

Achieving government modernization goals requires identification and integration of key components with an enhanced forest inventory and LiDAR imagery.  Related components included in:

Community resiliency-enhanced forest inventory importance

Community resiliency

21st century BC forest asset vision powerpoint version

Building a value-added investment climate

BC forest renewal framework-landscape unit planning-action plan graphics

Fort Nelson license transfer

Congratulations to Minister Conroy and others involved in the  transfer of the Canfor Forest License to Peak Fort Nelson Properties Ltd ( ). The transfer includes a Peak “objective of each part of the total forest-stand profile will be used for its highest and best use.”  This creates an opportunity to work with the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality and Fort Nelson First Nation to diversify the wood fibre economy contributing to resiliency of the communities. Now we need to create an investment climate that encourages investors to build facilities to utilize the quality wood in the region.

Challenges in moving to new wood manufacturing sector

Moving to a new BC wood manufacturing sector will not be quick or easy!  As outlined in Building a diversified mfg sector-challenges_1, there are challenges to overcome in this transition.  It will be a journey, not an event requiring:

  • Politicians thinking strategically beyond a one-term election period or political ideology,
  • Politicians adopting a business environment that addresses the needs of investors, profitability of companies and acknowledging current and future markets,
  • Companies committing support for a secondary wood manufacturing sector, and
  • Communities being realistic and supporting local investments in secondary wood manufacturing. 

New wood manufacturing sector

Government’s Forest Sector Revitalization initiative has generated a great deal of consultation, uncertainty and stress within the industry, investors, suppliers, communities and Government itself. It is fragmented without a vision for the wood manufacturing sector.  Government has taken the approach “we are in a transition from the current forest sector to a new forest sector and it will take time to evolve.”  The lack of a vision and counting on broad consultations to provide the leadership is problematic.  Bill Bourgeois provides his comments and suggested actions to achieve a sustainable wood manufacturing sector that contributes toward achieving community resiliency in a New manufacturing sector-Action plan

Innovative building design

Spearhead has created an amazing wood structure  in the Kootenays We need more of this!  The creation of clusters and encouraging innovative value-added manufacturing requires Government leadership, especially in the form of reducing barriers Building through clusters (1).