Excluding any intervention in all remaining BC old growth forests OR logging all the remaining old growth are two impractical options that will not contribute to community resiliency or the well-being of British Columbia. A responsible model is required to meet the objectives of old growth conservation in BC.
The vision for a forest is a cornerstone in developing a plan for any forest management unit (e.g., landscape, Province, etc.) The late Dr. Gordon Baskerville, Dean, Faculty of Forestry, University of New Brunswick was an eminent Canadian forest management leader who advised foresters to “decide what you want from the forest and then go to the tool box” as outlined in https://www.bcforestconversation.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/SFM-what-needs-to-be-done-to-demonstrate-status.pdf.
Old growth conservation must become a component if the vision, with targets, just like wildlife habitat, visionally sensitive areas, biodiversity conservation, etc. identified in the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA). This does not mean there should not be large areas of old growth conservation where existing protected areas are deficient. However, it must be a component of a strategic plan as outlined in https://www.bcforestconversation.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Old-growth-conservation.pdf. This recognition of the values of old growth should be applied in the development of the Landscape Unit Plans. It is recognized that incorporating old growth as a forest resources value in this way will not meet the needs of those promoting the extreme options. However, it will achieve a balanced long-term forest stewardship strategy leading to community resiliency and provide an opportunity for Government, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous communities, industry, and other resource management organizations to participate in a constructive and positive manner.