Take a look at this video describing the plan for expanding the BC Forest Discovery Centre in Duncan https://youtu.be/9nnSpsIGaPIat We need more of these exhibits across BC
Category Archives: Forest education
Forest industry statistics
The Truck Loggers Magazine has a useful article http://www.tla.ca/sites/default/files/tlbc_fall_2017_fnl_lores.pdf (page 32) regarding forest industry job statistics.
Teachers learn about forestry
The Festival of Forestry program exposes teachers to the forest and forest management. This year the tour was in Port Alberni. Take a look at this video https://tinyurl.com/yczkelyp to hear the views of teachers.
Video on history of wildfires
The video https://tinyurl.com/yb4lsmm3 is 15 minutes well spent if you are interested in the history of wildfires and what we need to do to prevent massive fires in the future. Thanks to BC Community Forests Association for the heads-up.
Pouring money into interface protection not enough
The Victoria Times editorial https://tinyurl.com/y7oetxne suggests more money is needed to treat forest-community interface areas from wildfire. Although this is correct, the cost is high but could be reduced if Government was to change some policies regarding harvesting of merchantable trees within these areas. These changes would generate revenue and off-set treatment costs while at the same time protect the interface area and contribute to long-term forest stewardship. These would also generate jobs and economic benefits for the community. The barriers to these benefits are well know within the industry and wildfire experts. Government just needs to listen!
Video regarding value of student forest field trips
The Federation of BC Woodlot Associations has a new short video on the value to students of a forest field trip Video “A Walk in the Woods” Teachers are encouraged to take a look. There are numerous opportunities for field trips across BC both in rural and urban communities. National Forest Week-BC Coalition https://www.bcnfw.ca/ is a good place to start if a teacher is interested in a forest field trip.
Forest management systems
The US organization Walk in the Woods forest education organization has produced a useful description of the various forest management systems that might be of interest to non-foresters. Although clearcutting and single tree selection are the most common in BC, some foresters have chosen others to best achieve the objectives for the area being harvested.
Softwood Lumber Agreement-US economist views
Here is an interesting article from a US economist that sheds light on the SLA issue and other trade issues http://tinyurl.com/l9vkft2
Softwood Lumber Agreement-basic info
I (Bill Bourgeois) have learned over my career in the forest industry that the Softwood Lumber Agreement (SLA) with the US is complex involving detailed legal issues. My view is that if you are not directly involved you should be cautious in what you say due to, in effect, not knowing what you are talking about. However, a basic understanding of the issue is worthwhile. The US lumber broker A&A has published a good basic information piece that might be of interest http://tinyurl.com/los5w5s
NDP forestry election plan
The NDP forestry plan was just announced. It includes an emphasis on increasing value-added manufacturing which is consistent with the recommendation in the HFHC Update report. However, the Plan is short on details and has the potential to be superficial just like the BC Liberals actions since 2013 on this topic. The NDP needs to be pushed for details related to implementing the Plan. BC Liberal response has been “we are already doing this” but as per the HFHC analysis there has not been any substantial actions to address the issue. Political parties need to provide details to get support comfort in expecting significant advancement on community diversification and economic development.