Wildfire adaptation-actions and leadership required

Bill Bourgeois outlines the background and action needed Integrated Forest Management Adaptation Plan.

BC IS BURNING AGAIN!  It is time to act on treating BC forests so that they can adapt to the increased frequency and magnitude of wildfires caused by climate change.  Numerous studies and recommendations have been provided over the last 15 years.  There is general consensus among wildfire experts regarding what actions are required.  Communities, First Nations and forest resource managers are calling for action.  In cases where adaptation is needed regarding catastrophic events, Governments tend to not follow through on implementation.    The BC Government needs to deviate from the norm and take a leadership role on this issue.  It must go beyond more discussions and creation of pilots and advisory bodies.  The wildfire adaptation issue can be a stimulus in moving toward community resiliency and economic development.  We have the technology, we have the knowledge on how to move forward in this regard and we have the willingness of the forest affected Partners.  Premier Horgan and Minister Donaldson, BC needs adequate resourcing and real, on-the-ground action!  Show us the leadership.